How to find 10x customers.
How to develop a trusting business relationship
We teach you how to solve complex issues with the help of networking: mutually beneficial business trust relationships. This training will provide an understanding of how to solve issues at a high level. How to meet special people. How contacts work to expand your business. How to build relationships in difficult situations. What is the difference between the psychology of a politician, a security official, a person in a formal status, and the psychology of a corporate employee, internal entrepreneur, creative entrepreneur.
Advanced training for the development of non-standard communication skills among company employees who realized the need to develop their skills in developing business ties and communication (networking, soft skills).

We're working on complex tasks: how to reach the "High Fliers": people who have achieved a lot and who can significantly change the state of projects in which you participate.
Ideal Audience:
  • Revenue producing Organizations
  • C-Level Retail, Sales Organizations
  • Sales Conferences
  • Management Conference
Key Takeaways
  • To teach to develop and maintain relationships with complex people.
  • Build trust as the basis of complex transactions.
  • Show how to do this (not necessarily) quickly, but effectively.
  • How to become an effective practitioner in the development of business ties: a networking hub.
For each corporate client, their own unique training program is developed on the basis of an audit, assessment of goals and objectives, determining the audience and participants of the training, assessing preliminary training, and the level of development of current communication skills.
Key takeaways
Training participants with the skills of building a system of communication (developing business ties) and developing relationships with the most important people in your business.

The skill of developing projects using the resources of other people.
  • Development of a network of contacts with Birds of high flight (opinion leaders / decision makers / gray cardinals / decision makers)
  • Confidence in safety: how to achieve a rare moment
  • Work with politicians / government officials: features of communication
  • 10X Clients: The ability to distinguish between high-value customers and 'normal' customers
    Trust and relationship development: the ability to maintain and develop communication
  • Barriers to communication / how to overcome them
  • Success examples. Places / People / Cases
Leonid Bugaev
business trainer, author, mentor, TEDx and keynote speaker.

Advisor and consultant for top companies like Google, Microsoft, Toyota, KPMG, Raiffeisen, Orange Business.

Mentor of fast-growing startups.

ex-Curator of the "Digital Product Design" course, British Higher School of Design.
Training difference
Мы не теоретизируем. Мы занимаемся внедрением навыка и предолеваем барьеры на практике.

We don't theorize. We are engaged in the implementation of the skill and overcome barriers in practice.
We pay attention to the questions of the participants of the training and their tasks. We help change.
Teamwork: The power of training is in participants who are ready to change and use networking skills in their work
Why us
Our advantage in practice. We know how to sell services and complex goods with checks of up to $ 8 million.
We pay attention not to theory, but to developing the skills of each project participant. This is the opportunity to overcome barriers and grow up in the profession.
We invest in training your team. We teach communication with key customers. We show how difficult decisions are made. We are working on a strategy. We change communication and sales skills taking into account new introductory ones: digital, instant messengers, lack of time for communication, superficial communication and forgetfulness (on both sides: on the part of your employees and on the part of your customers).
Our Clients
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Services & Solutions
We help large organizations, corporations, and their employees use the most effective communication capabilities.

Using networking and mobile technologies, we teach how to communicate quickly, efficiently, and reliably.

We show how to develop business relationships and find a common language with key people: customers, colleagues, partners, customers, suppliers, investors, mentors.
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